How to bulk upload images
In February 2025 we included the 'Simple Media Bulk Upload' module with LocalGov Drupal.
To switch it on:
- In your site, click on the 'Extend' tab and search for 'bulk'
Tick the box next to the module's name and click 'Install'
If you can't see the 'Extend' tab or the module, please share these installation instructions with your developer
This module needs the 'dropzonejs' Javascript library to work. See the installation instructions for more info.
How to use
Once installed, you'll see a change in the LocalGov Drupal interface. Every field which allows the upload of multiple media items will look like this.
Drag files to the window or click the 'Select files' button to pick them from your computer.
You'll be asked to enter meta information for each file in turn. Once done, the files will upload and can be used.