Working with Gitpod
Gitpod is a cloud development environment. Using Gitpod can help you get LocalGov Drupal up and running quickly, without needing to set up a local development environment. It's more like a local development environment than a production environment, and is intended for you to try out LocalGov Drupal, not for running live websites.
Try it out
Sign up for, if you haven't already.
Click on the "Open in Gitpod" button below
- Your environment is being prepared, wait about a minute.
- VSCode code editor will be displayed.
- Various commands will run in the terminal at the bottom of the screen. Wait for these to complete.
- You'll get a link to your LocalGov Drupal site in a message like this. Ctrl-click the long link to open the LocalGov Drupal website in a new tab
Project can be reached at
- Log in with the credentials
If you later make the site public, make sure you change the username and password - otherwise anyone with the link could control your site. By default, the project is not made public, so this is not an issue.
Adding demo content
The LocalGov Drupal demo content showcases a lot of the content types in LocalGov Drupal. Enabling this will make your website look like To do this:
- Go to the Gitpod window
- In the terminal at the bottom of the page, type
ddev drush en localgov_demo
Installing modules and testing branches
Our how to guides include step by step instructions for installing new Drupal modules and testing LGD work in progress.